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Downloadable Dominican Books, Pamphets and Reading Materials
Lay Dominican Spirituality- The Third Order of Saint Dominic (promotional brochure for new and long time members) (.pdf) by Fr John Rubba, O.P. 1987 - 30 pages
- The Dominican Tertiary Apostolate (.pdf) by Ignatius Smith 1930-20 pages-1mb
- The Dominicans: A Short History (.pdf) by William A. Hinnebusch, O.P., D.Ph.-1975-117 pages
- How To Avoid Purgatory (.pdf) by Fr. Paul O'Sullivan O.P. - 1992 - 16 pages
- The Dominicans (Read here) by Benedict M. Ashley, O. P. - 1975 - 150 pages
- Dominican Life (.pdf) By F.-D. Joret, O.P. 1937 - 325 pages
- The History of St. Dominic (.pdf) by Augusta Drane 1891 - 537 pages
- The Legend of St Dominic (.pdf) (.doc) by Br. Gerard de Frechet 1256 - 16 pages
Saint Dominic BIOGRAPHICAL DOCUMENTS Edited with an Introduction by FRANCIS C. LEHNER, O.P. Foreword by
MOST REVEREND ANICETO FERNANDEZ, O.P. Master General of the Order of Preachers
- Introduction (pdf here)
- The Libellus of Jordan of Saxony (Read pdf Here)
(Read Discussion Paper Here) - The Letters of St. Dominic (pdf here)
- The Process of Canonization at Bologna (pdf here)
- The Process of Cannonization at Toulouse (pdf here)
- The Nine Ways of Prayer for St. Dominic (pdf here)
- The Miracles of St. Dominic (pdf here)
- The Bull of Canonization of GREGORY IX (pdf here)
- Prayer to St. Dominic (pdf here)
- The Bulls of Approbation (pdf here)
- The Encyclical Letter of Jordan of Saxony (pdf here)
- The Primitive Constitutions of the Order of Friars Preachers (pdf here)
- Bibliography (pdf here)
- Notes (pdf here)
- Life of St. Dominic (.pdf) by Rev Pere Lacordaire O.P. 1883 - 303 pages - 4mb
- St. Dominic and His Work (.pdf) by Pierre Mandonnet, O.P., 1948 - 374 pages - 1mb
- St. Dominic and the Order of Preachers (.pdf) by John O'Connor, O.P 1916 - 247 pages - 4mb
- Life of St. Dominic and a sketch of the Dominican Order (.pdf) by J S Alemany - 1867 - 442 pages - 26mb
- In Saint Dominic's Country (.pdf) by C M Anthony - 1912 - 422 pages - 24mb
- Dialog of St Catherine of Siena (.pdf) by Algar Thorgold 1370 - 244 pages - 2mb
- A reader might wish to review Fr. Benedict Ashley O.P.'s guide (.pdf) on "The Dialogue" before reading the actual "Dialogue". It definitely helps with understanding the conversation and answers that God the Father gives Saint Catherine.
- Life of St Catherine of Siena(.pdf) by Bl Raymond of Capua 1374 - 440 pages
- St. Thomas Aquinas - The Summa Contra Gentiles - Of God and His Creatures (.pdf) An Annotated Translation (With some Abridgement) by Joseph Rickaby, S.J., - 700 pages - 2MB
- St. Thomas Aquinas - Life of The Angelic Doctor (.pdf) by a Friar of the Order - 1881 - 200 pages - 12MB
- St. Thomas Aquinas - The Literal Exposition of the Book of Job (.pdf) by a Friar of the Order - 1225? - 347 pages - 2MB
- On Cleaving To God by Albertus Magnus, This famous and much loved little treatise, On Cleaving to God, (De Adhaerendo Deo) has always been attributed to Saint Albert the Great (.pdf) by St Albert the Great - 32 pages - 200KB
- Saint Albert the Great - Philosopher (.pdf) by Fr. Cajetan Reilly, O.P. - 3 pages - 1MB
- Saint Thomas Aquinas, The Dumb Ox (.docx) (.pdf) by - G K Chesterton - 1933 - 98 pages - 1MB
- Saint Thomas Aquinas and Dominican Identity at the End of the Fourteenth Century (paper) (.pdf) by - M Rasanen - 2022 - 16 pages - 1MB
- Life of Bl. Henry Suso, O.P. (.pdf) by Bl. Henry Suso O.P.- 1361 - 174 pages - 1MB
- Saint Catherine De' Ricci (Religious Sister of the Third Order of St. Dominic, Incorrupt, Stigmatist) Her Life, Her Letters, Her Community (.pdf) by By F. M. Capes 1845 - 356 pages - 14mb
- The Hours of the Passion from St Catherine de Ricci, O.P. (.pdf) - 68 pages - 1MB
- St. John Macias (Short Biography Pamphlet) (.pdf) by Fr. John Rubba 1957 - 28 pages
- Short Bio of Rev. Edward Fenwick O.P. (.pdf) by Fr. Chrysostom Donnelly, O.P.-1932- from Dominicana - 10 pages
- Biography of Rev. Edward Fenwick O.P. (.pdf) by Very Rev. V. F. O'Daniel. O.P.-1920-518 pages-28mb
- Blessed John of Vercelli, Patron of the Holy Name Society (.pdf) By Paul C. Perrotta, O.P., - 1956 - 56 pages - 3 MB
- Bl Reginald of Orleans, (aka Bl. Reginald of Saint-Gille or St Giles) (Read pdf here) Translated by a Dominican Nun - 1877 - 196 pages - 3 MB
- St. Pius V , Pope of the Holy Rosary (Read pdf here) by C M Anthony, Edited by Fr. Bede Jarrett O.P. - 1911 - 146 pages - 3 MB
- Life of Pius V and Other Dominican Saints - St John of Gorcum, Martyr, Bl Peter Gonzalez, Confessor, Bl Augustine of Novera, Bishop, Bl Francis De Posadas, Confessor, Bl Benedict XI, Pope, Bl Simon Ballachi, Lay Brother, Bl Albert of Bergamo, Tertiary, Bl James of Bevagna, Confessor, Bl Ambrose of Siena, Confessor (.pdf) By Fr. Thomas Dyson, O.P., - 1886 - 383 pages - 5 MB
- Short Lives of Dominican Saints (Over 100 saints and blesseds) (.pdf) by Sisters of the Congregation of St Catherine of Siena - 1901 - 384 pages - 20MB includes tertiary manual, devotions and prayers to St Dominic, Rosary guide and Oxford Conferences
- Lives of Four Martyrs of Tonkin (Philippine Dominicans) (.pdf) by Rev. M. B. Cothonay O.P.- 1911 - 264 pages - 10MB
- Holy Dominicans - Biographical Summaries and Feast Days of Dominican Saints and Blesseds with Selected Patrons and Commemorations (.pdf) by Dominican Province of St Joseph - 1997 - 85 pages - 1MB
- Little Book of Eternal Wisdom (.pdf) by Bl. Henry Suso O.P.- 1330 - 108 pages - 1MB
- Treatise on Preaching - Humbert of the Romans, Fifth Master General of the Order of Preachers, Translated by the Dominican Students Province of St. Joseph Edited by WALTER M. CONLON, O.P. (Read pdf here) by Dominican Province of St Joseph - 1951 - 128 pages - 1MB
- Witnesses of The Faith in the Orient - Dominican Martyrs of Japan, China, and Vietnam, (Read pdf here) by a team of Dominican Fathers Under the Direction of Ceferino Puebla Pedrosa, O.P. - 284 pages - 1 MB
- A sketch of the life of the Rev. Pre Besson of the Order of St. Dominic, (Read pdf here) by A Dominican artist - 1872 - 350 pages - 20 MB
- Mystics and Mothers - Devotion to Mary among Dominican Women through the Centuries by Sr. Donna Maria Moses, O.P (Read pdf here) 42 pages
Lives of Some of the Sons of St. Dominic (Read pdf here)
Recommended especially for tertiaries by J.A. Dyson - 1883 - 289 pages - 20MB
incl Bl. Jordan of Saxony, Bl. Anthony Neyrot, Bl. James of Ulm, Bl. Giles of Santarem,
Bl. Bertrand of Garrigue, Ven. Bartholomew of Martyrs, Ven. Louis of Grenada
- St. Raymond of Pennafort - His Claim to Greatness by Fr Ambrose Sullivan O.P. (Read pdf here) 8 pages
Ideal for handouts, study aides and formation. These are easily printed materials.
Dominican Saints of the Rosary Series - Dominican Publications - ST. SAVIOUR'S, DUBLIN
A series of 16 - 32 page booklets originally published by St. Saviors
- St. John of Cologne (Read pdf here)
- St Hyacinth
- St Peter Martyr
- St. Thomas Aquinas - Doctor of the Church - Patron of Schools (Trifold) (.pdf here)
- The Angel Saint - St. Thomas Aquinas - Patron of Catholic Schools - 24 paqges (.pdf here)
- Order of Preachers (A Short History - reprint) (.pdf) by Pierre Mandonnet, O.P., STD - 1913 - 40 pages - 1mb
Lives of the Brethren of the Order of Preachers
translated by PLACID CONWAY, O.P. Edited with Notes and Introduction by Bede Jarrett, O.P. 1206-1259 - 1 mb - 359 pages
Written between about 1255 to 1260 by Gerard de Frachet. Gerard was born in Chalons in Aquitaine,
joined the Order of Preachers in 1225. The book was written as a result of a request from the General
Chapter in 1256 which was anxious to collect eye witness accounts of the doings and sayings of the early friars before the first generation of the order died.
The text of the Vitae Fratrum is based largely on the submissions made by friars as well as separate writings from Bartholomew of Trent and Jordan of Saxony,
covering in all the period from about 1206 to 1260.
- Libellus of Jordan of Saxony - also known as: Handbook (Little Book) on the Origins of the Order of Preachers (.pdf) by Bl. Jordan of Saxony 1231 - 100 pages - 1mb
- English Dominicans (.pdf) by Bede Jarrett O.P. - 1921 - 288 pages
- The English Dominican Province 1221-1921 icluding the Friars, Sisters and Laity (.pdf) by various collaborating authors - 1921 - 340 pages
- History of The Dominican Liturgy 1245 - 1945 (.pdf) by Fr William Bonnewell, O.P. - 1945 - 216 pages - 8 MB
- History of Early Dominican Missions in California (.pdf) by B Aviles and R Hoover - 24 pages - 1MB
- Brief History of Dominican Order in United States(.pdf) by Sr Nona McGreal, O.P.- 25 pages - 1mb
- Dominican Order in United States 1806 - 1865 (.pdf) by Sr Nona McGreal, O.P.- 17 pages - 1mb
- The Dominicans in History - short treatise on the Dominican Order serves as a primer exploring the origins and development of the Order’s seven hundred year history. (.pdf) by Fr Thomas Schweriner, O.P.- 1916 - 70 pages - 1mb
- How the Dominicans Faced Crises Throughout Their History (pdf Here) by Fr William Hinnebusch, O.P.- 1973 - 10 pages - 1mb
- Dominican Revival in the Nineteenth Century - Restoration of the Order under Fr Jandel O.P., 73rd Master General (Read Here) by Fr Raymund Devas, O.P.- 1913 - 204 pages - 2mb
- Dominican Spirituality - Principles and Practice (.pdf) by Fr. William Hinnebusch, O.P. 1962 - 166 pages
- Conferences of John Cassian (.pdf) by Edgar C. S. Gibson 1894 - 720 pages
- Little Book on the Origins of the Order of Preachers by Jordan of Saxony (.pdf) Translated by Br. Marie-Humbert Vicaire O.P 1967 - 31 pages
- Blessed Imelda Patron Saint of First Communicants (Short Biography Pamphlet) (.pdf) by Fr. John Rubba 1957 - 2 pages
- Martyrology of the Sacred Order of Friars Preachers (.pdf) Translated by Rev W.R.Boniwell O.P.- 1955 - 314 pages - 2MB
- The Place of the Liturgy in Dominican Spirituality (.pdf) by Rev Bernadot, O.P. - 9 pages
- Meditations for Lent - St Thomas Aquinas- 143 pages (Read pdf here)
- The Secret of the Rosary (.pdf) by St. Louis Marie de Montfort (Third Order Dominican) 1716 - 46 pages
- How and when did St. Dominic receive the Rosary from the Mother of God(.pdf) by St. Louis Marie de Montfort (Third Order Dominican) - 1 page
- Legends of The Blessed Virgin Mary (.pdf) by J Collin De Plancy 1859 - 335 pages - 7mb
- Mariae Corona - Sermons and Essays on Mary and Her Saints (.pdf) by Rev. P.A. Sheehan - 1900 - 215 pages - 16mb
- Miracles of the Blessed Virgin Mary (.pdf) by Johannes Herolt - 1440 - 200 pages - 3mb
- Flowers of Mary (.pdf) by unknown author - 344 pages - 6mb
- Miraculous Stories of the Rosary (.pdf) by St. Louis Marie de Montfort (Third Order Dominican) - 11 pages - 0mb
- Manual of the Sorrows (.pdf) Devotions in Honor of Our Lady of Sorrows by anonymous author - 1868 - 137 pages - 2mb
Celebrated Sanctuaries of the Madonna (.pdf)
By Rev J. Spencer Northcote 1868 - 330 pages
Famous Churches and Shrines of Our Lady, the Blessed Mother of God in England, France, Switzerland And Italy
- The Admirable Life of the Glorious Patriarch Saint Joseph (.pdf) by Ven. Mary of Agreda - 320 pages - 9mb
- The Life and Glories of St Joseph (.pdf) by Edward Healy 1891 - 529 pages - 9mb
- Joseph the Silent by Michael Gasnier, O.P. 1962 - 192 pages - 2mb
- The Three Ways of the Spiritual Life (.pdf) by Reginald Garrigou-Lagrange O.P. - 71 pages
- Providence (.pdf) by Reginald Garrigou-Lagrange O.P. - 194 pages - 2mb
- Christian Perfection and Contemplation (.pdf) by Reginald Garrigou-Lagrange O.P. - 470 pages - 36mb
- Mother of the Savior and Our Interior Life (.pdf) by Reginald Garrigou-Lagrange O.P. - 169 pages - 23mb
- Lacordaire, Dominican Apologist (Short Biography), (.pdf here) from Dominicana Journal - 6 pages
- Lacordaire (Biography) (.pdf here) by Count d'Haussonville - 1913 - 228 pages - 10mb
- Letters To Young Men (.pdf here) by Henri-Dominique Lacordaire O.P. - 1902 - 236 pages - 4mb
- The Inner Life of Pere Lacordaire (.pdf here) by Lacordaire O.P. - 1878 - 571 pages - 10mb
- Lacordaire (.pdf here) by Greenwell - 1867 - 337 pages - 4mb
- Memoir of the Abbé Lacordaire (.pdf here) by Count de Montalembert - 1868 - 347 pages - 6mb
- Lacordaire: A Bioraphical Sketch (.pdf here) by H. L. Lear - 1882 - 389 pages - 5mb
- Life of Pere Besson O.P. incl. Memoirs and Letters of Lacordaire (.pdf here) by H. L. Lear - 1877 - 326 pages - 3mb
- The Everlasting Man (.pdf) by G. K Chesterton 1925 - 175 pages
- Spiritual Maxims (.docx) by John Nicholas Grou, S.J. 1789 - 150 pages
- The Way of a Pilgrim and The Pilgrim Continues His Way (pdf here)
- Confessions of St. Augustine (.pdf) by Edward Bouverie Pusey. 1910 - 163 pages
- Diary of Saint Maria Faustina Kowalska - Divine Mercy in my Soul (Read pdf here) 2005 - 437 pages
- Life and Revelations of Anne Catherine Emmerich Vol I (.pdf) by K. E. Schmoger 1867 - 1350 pages - 84 MB
- The Golden Legend - a.k.a. "Legenda sanctorum" or (Readings of the Saints) (Index.pdf) (Vol 1.pdf) (Vol 2.pdf) (Vol 3.pdf) (Vol 4.pdf) (Vol 5.pdf) (Vol 6.pdf) (Vol 7.pdf) by Bl. Jacobus da Varagine - 1260 - about 1000 pages in 7 volumes - 1 MB each
- The Dolorous Passion of Our Lord Jesus Christ (.pdf) by Anne Catherine Emmerich 1833 - 346 pages - 1 MB
- Catechism of the Catholic Church, Second Edition, Revised in accordance with the official Latin text promulgated by Pope John Paul II (.pdf) by 1425 pages - 2 MB
- Therese and Lisieux by Descouvemont.pdf (.pdf) by 344 pages - 50 MB
- Life of Christ (Mother Theresa's favorite book) (Read here) by Fulton J Sheen 478 pages - 2 MB
- St Joan of Arc (Read here) by Lucy Madison - 240 pages - 1 MB
- Treatise on Purgatory (Read here) by Saint Catherine of Genoa 83 pages - 1 MB
- How To Make An Act Of Perfect Contrition (Read here) by L. Rev. Dowling S.J. - 10 pages - 1 MB
- Internet Source for many more e-books of various saints (link)
- Spiritual Theology (.pdf) by Fr. Jordan Aumann, O.P. - 314 pages - 13MB
- Ceremonies of the Dominican Rite (.pdf) 1877 - 90 pages - 8MB
- Dominican Altar Boys Manual (.pdf) 1945 - 55 pages - 2MB
- Saint Philomena the Wonder Worker (Read more here) by Fr Paul OSullivan O.P. - 1926 - 91 pages - 1MB
- Month of Our Lady of the Blessed Sacrament (.pdf) 320 pages - 13MB
- Gospel of Matthew (link)
- The Dominican Third Order - Old and New Style (Read pdf here) by Fr. Edward Schillebeeckx, O.P. - 2013 - 12 pages - 1MB
- The Purpose of the Dominican Laity (Read pdf here) by Fr. Charles Malatesta, O.P. - 3 pages - 1MB
Recommended Dominican Reading Materials in Print Form
Saint Dominic's Family (Amazon Link)by Sister Mary Jean Dorcy O.P. - 1983 - 631 pages.
Books specifically about women religious:
Women, Art and Architectural Patronage in Renaissance Mantua: Matrons, Mystics and Monasteries, by Sally Anne Hickson, Routledge, Feb 17, 2016 - Art - 204 pages (highly recommended)
Other Publications
Constitution of the Dominican Order 1216-1360 by G R Galbraith, 1925 324 pages 12MB(.pdf)Dominican Order and Convocation-Growth in the Thirteenth Century by Ernest Barker 1913 92pgs 6MB(.pdf)
General Chapters in the Dominican Order - Link Soon
What are General Chapters in the Dominican Order by Fr. A. D'Amato OP (.pdf)
What are General Chapters - taken from Dominicana 1949 (.pdf)
The First General Chapter (which St Dominic Attended)(.pdf)
Attention Dominican Authors and Readers
- If you would like to contribute or suggest works of interest for the benefit and edification of the laity please email me here. I also subsidize publication of material. email the current president of the chapter.