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Dominican Laity Formation

Formation for Domincan Laity was originally intended to provide subject matter which lay chapters could use to essentially instruct themselves when a Dominican Friar was not available. Each module was read by the members and then the discussion questions, which were already prepared and included in the module, were used to stimulate thought and participation. There is no substitute for the presence of a friar and this material is far short of the spirituality that can be garnished from instruction given by a friar. Truly blessed are chapters when a friar is present.


Prior to entering onto the path to becoming a lay member of the Dominican Order, each person should familiarize themselves with the process of membership by reading this introduction. ( Read it here) . When ready, a candidate may choose to formally begin membership. There is never any permanent commitment to continue.

Topics covered during the six month Postulancy Period culminating with reception into the order.

Postulancy 1 - Life of St Dominic - 8 MB - 4 pages (.pdf) - Highlighted Version (.pdf)
Postulancy 2 - Laity in the Church-Our Call To Action - 6 MB - 4 pages (.pdf) - Highlighted Version (.pdf)
Postulancy 3 - Prayer - 8 MB - 4 pages (.pdf)
Postulancy 4 - Our Chapter, Our Community - 6 MB - 4 pages (.pdf)
Postulancy 5 - Study - 8 MB - 4 pages (.pdf)
Postulancy 6 - Apostolate - 8 MB - 4 pages (.pdf)- List of Laity Apostolates in St Joseph Province (.pdf)

Novitiate Phase follows for one year, culminating with profession for one year. Lifetime profession occurs three years later.

Novitiate 1 - History of Lay Fraternities of St Dominic - 1 MB - 8 pages (.pdf)
        Alternate Version "History of the Dominican Laity by Fr Paul Weber O.P.(highlighted) (Read pdf here)
Novitiate 2 - Rule of the Fraternities of St. Dominic - 1 MB - 5 pages (.pdf)
        Alternate Version - Dominican Rule and Statues - Vehicles to Dominican Spirituality (.pdf)
Novitiate 3 - Prayer - 1 MB - 12 pages (.pdf)
Novitiate 4 - Dominican Devotion to Our Lady and Her Rosary - 1 MB - 6 pages (.pdf)
Novitiate 5 - Liturgy of the Hours and Psalms - 1 MB - 12 pages (.pdf) Novitiate 6 - People of the Word – Lectio Divina - 1 MB - 5 pages (.pdf) - Alternate Version (.pdf)
Novitiate 7 - Dominican Study - 1 MB - 7 pages
Novitiate 8 - Community Part A - 1 MB - 4 pages
Novitiate 9 - Community Part B - 1 MB - 4 pages
Novitiate 10 - Apostolate - 1 MB - 6 pages - List of Laity Apostolates in St Joseph Province
Novitiate 11 - Introduction to the Sacraments - 1 MB - 9 pages
Novitiate 12 - Baptism - 1 MB - 11 pages
Novitiate 13 - Sacraments of Initiation - 1 MB - 12 pages
Novitiate 14 - Eucharist - 1 MB - 12 pages

On Going Formation - Year A

Year A - 1 Prayer
Year A - 2 The Psalms
Year A - 3 The Beatitudes
Year A - 4 The Rule: An Historical Perspective
Year A - 5 The Gifts of the Holy Spirit According to St. Thomas Aquinas
Year A - 6 An Introduction to St. Thomas Aquinas
Year A - 7 An Introduction to Christifideles Laici
Year A - 8 Thomas Aquinas and the Works of Mercy
Year A - 9 Catholic Environmental Stewardship
Year A - 10 The History of Anti-Catholicism in the United States
Year A - 11 St. Louis of Granada
Year A - 12 St. Vincent Ferrer and St. Louis Bertrand

On Going Formation - Phase II

On Going 2-1 Blessed Margaret of Castello - 1 MB - 23 pages (...) - Alternate Version -
On Going 2-2 20th Century Dominicans: Sr Jean Dorcy, Henry Denifle, Sr Susanna Á Comp - 1 MB -8 pages
On Going 2-3 Dominican Saints: Rose of Lima -Albert the Great - 1 MB - 8 pages
On Going 2-4 Spiritual Direction for the Laity: Explanation and Practical Application- 1 MB -16 pages
On Going 2-5 Liturgy of the Hours A Layperson's Understanding - 1 MB -22 pages
On Going 2-6 A Personal Journey - 1 MB - 20 pages
On Going 2-7 The Dominican Habit- 1 MB - 18 pages

On Going Formation - Phase III

On Going 3-1 The Rule: An Historical Perspective - 1 MB - 65 pages
On Going 3-2 Formation and the Rule - 1 MB - 6 pages
On Going 3-3 An Introduction to Scripture: As Literature As the Word of God - 1 MB - 58 pages
On Going 3-4 The Psalms - 1 MB - 12 pages
On Going 3-5 Blessed John of Vercelli - 1 MB - 19 pages - Alternate Version -
On Going 3-6 St. John Macias - 1 MB - 6 pages
On Going 3-7 St. Martin DePorres - 1 MB - 14 pages
On Going 3-8 Christifideles Laici - 1 MB - 41 pages - Alternate Version (Read pdf here)

Chapter Formation Modules 

Primary focus is on Lay Evangelization. It includes certification as a "Lay Catholic Evangelist"

Visit the Archives page (link here) for entire packages (Multi-format of Audio, video and print) of visually engaging formation modules

Module 4-1 - Lay Dominican Preaching Evangelization and Witness - How to effectively preach in everyday life - 1MB - 3 pages (pdf link here)
   The associated video link is here and is about 22 min long. (link here)
Module 4-2 - How to Attract and Retain New Members - 1MB - 1 page (.pdf)
Module 4-3 - How to Read, Study and Benefit from Papal Encyclicals - 2MB - 21 pages (.pdf)
Module 4-4 - John Cassian - 1MB - 2 pages (.pdf)
Module 4-5 - Gospel of Matthew and Lectio (.pdf)
Module 4-6 - Obligations of Members - 1MB - 2 pages (.pdf)
Module 4-7 - Bl. Margaret Ebner, O.P. Her life as depicted in the monastery today - 16 pages - (.pdf)
Module 4-8 - Lay Dominican Chapter Apostolates - How to Host a Public Day of Recollection or Retreat Day – Event Planning Guide with sample agenda - 3 pages (.docx)
Module 4-9 - Miraculous Image of Our Lady of Santo Sisto - 1 page (.docx)
Module 4-14 - Blessed Henry Suso - Hymns and Carols of Christmas - 2 pages (Read the .pdf here)
Module 4-17- Prayers & Suffrages of the Dominican Laity Comparison in the First and Sixth Rule - 4 pages (Read the pdf here)
Module 4-21- Apologetics Part 3 Statues and Artwork - 1 page (Read the pdf here)
On Going 1-4 Dominican Saints: St Catherine DeRicci (Alternate Version) (.pdf)
On Going 1-4a Dominican Saints: Pope St. Pius V - 1 MB - 16 pages (Alternate Version) (.pdf)

Audio - Video Formation

Seven Secrets of Saint Dominic's Life (Length 40 min)

Other Formation and Supplements

Handout Sheet - (2 sided) - Dominican Order At a Glance  (pdf here)
The O Antiphons  (.docx)
Epihany Season Reading and Meditation(.docx) Presenter Version(.docx)
Bishop Richard Miles, OP - 12 pages - <1mb      (.doc)
St Peter of Verona, O.P., a short biography - 1 page -       (.pdf)
St Vincent Ferrer, O.P., Preach in the manner of the apostles by Fr Bruno Cadore - 3 pages -       (.pdf)
History of Saint Rose Priory and the Origins of the Dominican Province of Saint Joseph - 4 pages - <1mb      (.doc)
How to Read Sacred Scripture - <1 mb - 7 pages (.pdf)
The Passion for God in Early Dominicans - Disappointment and Discouragement - 1 mb - 29 pages (.pdf)
Lectio Divina (Supplement) - Ladder of the Four Rungs Guigo II (.pdf)
I Decided to Bow My Head at the Name of Jesus By Br. Isidore Rice, O.P. (.docx)
Why Do Dominicans Wear The Rosary? (Read pdf explanation here)
Dominican Contemplation and Study by Fr. Paul Murray O.P. (Read pdf of presentation here)
Contemplative Dimension of Dominican Spirituality by Fr Jordan Aumanh O.P. (Read pdf here)

Lay Dominican Formation from Other Resources on The Internet

Dominican Black Abbey of the Most Holy Trinity, Kilkeny, Lay Chapter - 99 pages (Read here)
Western Province Formation Program - Postulancy and Novitiate - 253 pages (Read more here)
Southern Province Postulancy - 10 Modules - 100 pages (Read here)
Central Province Formation Program - 10 Modules - 130 pages (Read here)
Central Province On Going Formation- 10 Modules - 218 pages (Read here)

Catholic Apologetics and Evangelization

Difference between apologetics, evangelization and witness - 1 pages (.pdf)
Does Acts 2-5 Teach Socialism? by Dr. Art Lindsley, PhDIs - Early church described as "sharing all things in common" - 4 pages (Read the pdf here..)

Encyclicals and Documents

List of all Encyclicals (See complete list here..)
Christifideles Laici - St. John Paul II Encyclical 1988 (Read word version) (Read pdf version)
Pascendi Dominici Gregis - St. Pius X Encyclical 1907 (Read pdf version)
Ecclesia de Eucharistia (The Church from the Eucharist) St. John Paul II Encyclical 2003(.docx) (.pdf)
Veritatis Splendor - St. John Paul II Encyclical 1993 (.pdf)
Redemptoris Custos - Apostolic Exhortation on St Joseph - St. John Paul II 1989 (.pdf)
Humane Vitae - Pope Paul VI Encyclical 1968 (.pdf)
Lumen Gentium - Dogmatic Constitution on the Church 1964 (Vatican II Document)(.doc) (.pdf)
Mirari Vos - Pope Gregory XVI Encyclical 1832 (On Liberalism and Religious Indifferentism)(.pdf)