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Archived Formation Units of This Fraternity

These units are for free use.
Multiple components for each topic may be included such as print and video.
Videos are generally slide show format in video format to easily play on any PC, laptop, phone or TV.

Chapter Archives

Autobiography of Fr Pierre Lachance OP, Dominican Friar serving in a Dominican and diocesan location in Fall River, MA (1916 - 2006)  (Read pdf here)

New England Dominican Laity Regional Handbook from 1999  (Read pdf here)
Mother of Mercy Chapter Handbook (a.k.a. "New Dominican Teriary Manual Revised"  (Read DRAFT pdf here)
Sample Day of Recollection Trifold Handout (MS Publisher Format)  (.pub)
Friday Night Prayer - Compline Handout (booklet)   (.pdf) (.docx) Small Print 1 page Version (.pdf)(.docx)
Mass Single Page Song Sheet - Handout  (.docx)
Blessed Imelda - Patron Saint of First Communicants - Trifold Handout  (.pdf)
Saint Raymond of Pennafort - Patron of Canon Lawyers - Trifold Handout  (.pdf)
Blessed Virgin Mary Cold, Flu, Sore Throat and Respiratory Remedy Recipe  (.pdf)
Blank Name Badges For Avery 74652 pre-Cut Pin Type Name Tags (.doc)
Liturgy of the Hours - Prayer Page Inserts (for plain paper or Avery 4 labels per sheet)  (.docx)
Stations of the Cross - (Handout - Booklet - Printable quad fold two sided 11x17)  (.docx).  (.pdf)
Rite of Reception Handout Booklet (Editable)  (Download Word Format document Here)
List of Laity Apostolates in St Joseph Province  (.pdf)
Typical Booklet Ad for a Chapter  (.docx)
May Crowning of Blessed Mother Mary - Booklet with Prayers and Music  (Read and download pdf here)

From the Provincial Promoter

Audio Presentation by Fr Ignatius July 2022  (.mp3)

Angelic Warfare Confraternity

Angelic Warfare Confraternity Website Link
New Hope Publications Angelic Warfare Resources Link

Angelic Warfare Confraternity Cord Apostolate Resources of this Chapter

Tool and cord are available from the chapter or online. Currently we are using #9 BONDED WHITE NYLON TWINE-CORD - QUARTER POUND SPOOL from Our Lady Rosary Makers (link)

First, read the helpful hints at the bottom of this page that accompany the videos
Second, see part of the video (only need to view first 54 seconds) instructions for making a corded rosary (youtube link) 
Lastly, see either of these videos on making St Thomas Cords using double strings  (.webm link)  (.mp4 link)
OR, for the revised method, see these videos on making St Thomas Cords using a single heavy weight string Part I - String (.webm link)  (.mp4 link)
Part II - Cord (.webm link)  (.mp4 link)
  1. From the spool cut a length of cord 6 yards long - 18 feet.
  2. Fold the 6 yard piece in half so you have a piece 3 yards long - 9 feet of double cord.
  3. Start 3 feet from the open, loose ends. You will be working with the loop end.
  4. The knots are to be tied on this double cord starting from the 3 foot mark.
  5. Please tie 15 Rosary knots no more than l in apart (one knot in honor of each of the traditional mysteries of the Rosary}. -By "Rosary knot" I mean a barrel knot made of three loops (one loop in honor of each person of the Trinity}
  6. The final product is a double cord just over 70 inches long with 15 Rosary knots in the middle and one loose end and one loop end.
  7. Note: In order to accommodate various waist sizes out there (and yes, there are quite a few people in our society with waistlines over 60 inches},individuals will have to size the cord to themselves. At one end, in a spot that fits them, they will have to tie their own loop. They can then insert the other end through the loop like a belt buckle,tie it, cut off the excess and must finally either burn or knot the remaining loose ends to prevent unraveling. We use nylon, as opposed to linen, to avoid the molding of the cord over time.
The very first step is to make an “X” with the cord. This “X” must be fairly tight against the tool or the cord will slip as you wind string around the tool backwards toward you.
Second step is to make THREE wraps of double string. (video says four but that is for a rosary making).
Also, since you are working with double cords you must not let the cords twist around each other as you are wrapping. If you do, the final knot will have lumps in it. If you need to visualize this issue, make one leg of the cord a different color than the other with a magic marker. Make your knot.
The final product should then have alternating colors on the knot when you pull it tight. If you have let them tangle up, your colors will not alternate.
Finally when you slide the knot off the tool. The knot can easily be moved around and rolled into a smooth “barrel” before you pull it tight just as the video suggests.
 (Download these instruction in Word Format - .doc )
 (Download these instruction in pdf Format - .pdf )